The XXVIII World Day for Consecrated Life finds us as Sisters Hospitalleres preparing to live our General Chapter, providing us with a valuable opportunity to meditate on the gift that is consecrated life and how at the core of this life is the will of the Lord.

Our hospitaller vocation invites us to explore the meaning of life through hospitality. Humanization and evangelization are challenges in the new millennium. Therefore, part of our focus for our Chapter is to be “Prophetic signs of hope and God’s closeness to suffering humanity”. In the face of the current reality which challenges us, we want to be a significant and prophetic presence in the world of health care, daring in new projects and consolidating our identity in the hospital works we carry out.

On this XXVIII World Day for Consecrated Life, we renew our commitment to the will of God, inspired by the example of the Virgin Mary and guided by the Hospitaller charism: here we are, Lord, ready to do your will with love and hospitality!

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