The most important element of any training itinerary is to discern and discover what Jesus seeks from each young person above all, that is, friendship.

Training in the religious life is intended to guide and prepare young women, who feel summoned to follow Jesus Christ in the Hospitaller religious life, for their definitive dedication to God.

There are four procedural stages to reaching this goal, including a previous period of time when a young girl becomes interested in learning about the Congregation and takes strides to do so.

  • Aspirant. The goal of this training stage is for the aspirant to learn about the Congregation and to prepare for the next phase.    
  • Postulant. In this phase, the postulant participates in a progressive experience of the Hospitaller life and mission, which helps her, through a process of maturing as a human and as a Christian, to discern her Hospitaller vocation.
  • Novice. The objective of this phase is to clarify and purify vocational motivations, to become initiated in the practice of Evangelical Councils, to expand the experience of God, and prepare to take religious vows.  
  • Junior. The goal of this phase is to achieve full human, Christian, and Hospitaller maturity in order to commit definitively to Christ through final vows. It lasts five years.

When the last phase is complete, the initial training ends and we move on to what we call permanent training because it lasts a lifetime.

Marketing Digital. Este proyecto ha sido desarrollado por Grupo Enfoca: Diseño web Alicante