We are a congregation that follows the example of Jesus, the Good Samaritan, living communally as free women, passionate about life, and united by love, prayer and service.
A Sister Hospitaller is born from the profound experience of being summoned and consecrated by God to follow Jesus, the Good Samaritan. With our lives we aim to serve as witnesses that the compassionate and merciful Christ of the Gospel is alive among men; this inspires us to be women of God, at the service of those who suffer, evangelising through hospitality.
We experience spiritual motherhood, which makes us givers of life and of hope, where life and health graze the limits of weakness.
We know we are sent to serve those who suffer: we hear the cries of the sick and marginalised everywhere, at all times, in every condition. We are committed to defending the rights of people suffering from mental illness, intellectual disability, and other ailments, prioritising the most vulnerable and needy by embracing them and providing comprehensive, specialised care.
We live communally with other sisters, contemplating the simplicity of life and reciprocal acceptance; we share our experience of God; we value cultural diversity and together we promote apostolic creativity in the mission.
In our daily labour, we find traces of God in all things created; we feel happy in our calling and moved by the fact that others experience the same charism in the Church.
Following the example of Mary, Our Mother, the First Hospitaller, our Lady of the Sacred Heart, we accompany our brethren in their suffering and we learn to discover the needs of others, even when they are not apparent.
We practice HOSPITALITY, the value that defines us, through unconditional acceptance, attentive listening, respect for difference, gratuity, compassionate care, and mercy.