Press kit
Important news from this past year 2023

Meeting for mental health
On Friday, October 6, a meeting was held of the European working group dedicated to mental health and made up of experts from the European Provinces of the Hospitaller Sisters and the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God, chaired by Brother Joaquim Erra and Dr. Carlo Galasso.
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Visit to the hospitaller reality in Asia
During the months of August and September, a visit was made to the reality of hospitality in Asia. On the one hand, between 19 August and 2 September, a visit was made to Vietnam, where on 22 August the Vice-Province of Vietnam was canonically constituted
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Yes to a hospitable life: Perpetual Vows Made by Sisters in Africa.
Last August, three sisters from the Congregation of the Sisters Hospitalers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus carried out a special ceremony of perpetual vows in different parts of Africa.
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Canonical Constitution of the Vice-Province of Vietnam
On a day full of significance, August 22, the feast of St. Mary Queen, a transcendental event in the history of the Congregation took place. With the presence of Sr. Anabela Carneiro, Superior General, the Vice-Province of Vietnam was canonically constituted, an achievement that marks a new chapter in the Hospitaller mission.
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Yes to hospitality in Vietnam
In a moving and solemn ceremony held in the Chu Hai community yesterday, August 14, sisters of the congregation joined together to celebrate sacred commitments that mark momentous moments in their consecrated lives.
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Sisters Hospitallers was awarded at an international festival of social advertising
The San Benedict Menni Campaign, which we launched in April for the Feast of our founder, has been awarded the prize for “Best Use of Message in an International Campaign” in this year’s edition of the International Festival of Social Advertising, known as PubliFestival.