International Solidarity and Cooperation Service

The Congregation of the Sisters Hospitallers is an international institution, present and active in underprivileged countries and those with pressing needs. As such, we rely on an International Solidarity and Cooperation Service, coordinated by the General Government in Rome (Italy). In addition, we have the Benedict Menni Foundation, the Congregation’s NGO, which carries out various development cooperation projects in Africa, Latin America, and Asia.

This service aims to promote solidarity and social change by bringing to light existing problems and encouraging responsibility.

Through international solidarity and cooperation, our aim is to share “the financial resources and the exchange of knowledge, professionals, and technology to promote a sense of belonging and unity within the Congregation” (21st General Chapter) among our Institution’s different centres around the world. It is not limited to international activity that improves the Sisters Hospitallers’ Project in disadvantaged countries, rather it strives to promote “men and women in all their dimensions” in a comprehensive way” (PP).

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