On a day like today, 183 years ago, Benedict Menni, the founder of our Congregation, was born. He was a man with a passion for God and for humanity who gave his entire life to the practice of Hospitality, seeking the good of the vulnerable person. On June 23, 1985 he was declared blessed by Pope John Paul II, and on November 21, 1999 he was canonized. In this article we review his life and work, which continues to be a beacon for all of us who live Hospitality.

A little history: the beginnings

St. Benedict Menni was born in Milan, Italy, in 1841, into a loving family. From an early age, he felt a strong religious call and dedicated his life to the service of the sick and needy. At the age of 19, he joined the Brothers of St. John of God, where he began his religious and nursing formation, thus forging his identity as a dedicated servant of God and humanity.

Foundation of our congregation

In 1867, St. Benedict Menni was sent to Spain, where he played a crucial role in the restoration of the Order of St. John of God and, in 1881, founded the congregation of the Hospitallers Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, together with the Venerable Maria Josefa Recio and Maria Angustias Gimenez Vera.

His legacy

St. Benedict Menni was recognized for his unfailing charity and exceptional leadership skills. He always had a holistic view of the person, seeking the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of the most vulnerable. His commitment to creative generosity and selfless service left an indelible mark on the history of medical and spiritual care.

Although St. Benedict Menni passed away in 1914, his legacy lives on in the continuing work of our congregation. Today, the hospital community follows in his footsteps, working in more than 85 socio-community centers in more than 25 countries around the world, providing medical and spiritual care to some 820,000 people each year.

On this day of celebration, we honor and thank St. Benedict Menni for his life of dedication and hospital service.

Happy Birthday, Saint Benedict Menni!

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