Today, September 1, the Sisters Hospitallers join in the celebration of the World Day of Creation, whose motto this year: “Let justice and peace flow.”

For us, it is important to take care of all creation, both nature and humanity, as we consider that it is a way of practicing hospitality. How? Welcoming everything that surrounds us as the work and gift of our Creator. Everything has been thought of and created by God. Simply because He loves us, so He gives it to us. So, the least we can do is welcome and take care of it.

The motto that the Holy Father has chosen for this year is inspired by the words of the prophet Amos: “Instead, let justice flow like a stream, and righteousness like a river that never goes dry.” (Am 5, 24)

Thus, he compares the need for justice with the water for life. We must seek justice in all situations and live in harmony with God, humanity and nature. There must be an ecological conversion, which is “a renewal of our relationship with creation, so that we do not consider it as an object to take advantage of, but on the contrary, we guard it as a sacred gift from the Creator.”

Climate action is urgently needed, and adopt sustainable lifestyles that are respectful of the environment and others. Let us be the Church that, like a river, gives life to the Common Home and promotes justice, hospitality and peace.

Let’s work together to heal and renew the Earth!

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