The Sisters Hospitallers invite you to participate in the IV International Photography Contest, under the title: WE ARE HOSPITALITY. You have time to send your photographs until March 31, 2023.

The objective and theme of the photographs to be submitted is to graphically capture gestures, moments, attitudes that reflect how —always together with others of the Hospitaller Family— we practice hospitality and make possible the hospital project in a shared mission. This year we intend to emphasize the chapter message of “Practice Hospitality” as it is a call to all of us to feel protagonists and co-responsible for the hospitaller project that was initiated by St. Benedict Menni, Maria Angustias Gimenez and the Venerable Maria Josefa Recio in 1881 and continues to live in each of the members of the Hospitaller community. Without the personal contribution of each one, the project would not be the same and it is the orchestrated sum of the work of each and every one of them that makes Hospitality possible. One person alone cannot carry out the hospitality project —it is necessary to do it with others, that is why it is important to feel what we are together, in a shared mission. It is a call to synodal participation and to feel ourselves as a hospitaller community.

The contest is open to anyone over 18 years of age, linked to the Hospitaller Sisters, as long as they are part of the Hospitaller Community, in any part of the world where the Congregation is present.

The winners will be announced around April 24 of this year, on the occasion of the feast of St. Benedict Menni. The 3 most voted photographs will receive the following prizes: 

A digital reflex camera, valued at around 300 €.

A tablet, valued at around 200 €.

A smartwatch, valued at around 100€.

If you are interested in participating in our IV International Photography Contest, and in knowing more details about this initiative, please request information from your Canonical Province of reference:

Come on, bring out your creative side and participate!

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